Consuming too much lemon is injurious to health, how that?
Photo: Pexels

To increase immunity, people are adding lemon to their diet every day. Then whether you want to drink lemonade on an empty stomach in the morning or include lemon juice in salad-vegetables. But do you know that excessive consumption of lemon also harms your health? Yes, this is true. Like anything else, consuming lemons in excess can put you at health risks.

Problem with tonsils

According to the American Dental Association, drinking too much lemon water can cause sores in your throat. Not only this, consuming too much sour things or fruits can cause sore throat and tonsil problems. So, consume it only in limited quantity!

Damage to teeth

Lemons are highly acidic, according to the American Dental Association, so repeated exposure can damage the enamel of your teeth. You should avoid brushing your teeth immediately after consuming lemonade or any such thing and drink plain water immediately.

Many bacteria

In a 2007 study in the Journal of Environmental Health, researchers tested 76 lemon samples from 21 different restaurants during 43 visits and found that many lemons contained microorganisms, including some pathogens. These can cause diseases. Therefore, never use a lemon with its peel!

May have migraine

This hasn't been proven yet, but over the years some studies have discovered a connection between migraines and citrus fruits. Lemons are high in tyramine – a natural monoamine often associated with headaches. It is more in lemon than in other fruits.

Upset stomach

Lemon water is often extremely beneficial for the stomach. But squeezing too much lemon in water can lead to problems like gastroesophageal reflux disease and acid reflux. GERD and acid reflux are triggered by acidic foods such as lemons, and can cause digestive tract upset, nervousness, and vomiting.

Note: Our aim is just to provide you information.

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