Causes of increasing obesity and ways to reduce it.
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Obesity is the problem of many people today. To reduce this, people eat different types of medicines, go to doctors and exercise. There can be many reasons for this, due to obesity here and easy and home remedies to reduce it are given below.

Due to obesity

  • The biggest reason for increasing obesity is the new types of fast food in the markets. These fast food are more dependent peoples, due to which the amount of fat in the body increases and people become obese.
  • Eating irregularly also increases obesity. Some people do not keep control over their food and continue to eat something when they feel like it. This irregular food is responsible for the obesity of such people.
  • If you are sleeping more than necessary or for some reason you are unable to sleep, then the chances of increasing obesity increase.

To reduce obesity

You can also dance at home once you learn from the internet or any instructor.

Pranayam like Kapal Bhanti, Annomavilom can be done, but learn them carefully.

In this you can do Suryanamaskar or can also do power yoga, but do yoga only after learning from a trainer.

Weighing exercises are also beneficial. There is no harm in this. This makes the body strong and shapely.

It is good to do cardio ie Walking, Running, Cycling with the gym, this causes fast burn fat.

In general, you must have heard that it becomes a habit of gym, yoga or aerobics, which increases weight as soon as you leave. This is true in many ways, but it is not wrong to get used to all this, it is not an intoxicating life which is an easy way to keep the body healthy. We have stayed away from such things.

If you want to lose weight, then along with eating and drinking, physical exercise is also necessary, which should be done at any time in the morning or evening. You can do it in the afternoon if you are able to give it in the morning or evening.

Note: We have a humble request to you that you should contact your doctor before trying any remedy. Our aim is just to provide you information.

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